
1. Complex object 

2. Conditinal sentences 1, 2 and 3 type

3. Irregular verbs

4. Irregular verbs, тренажер

5. Modal verbs

6. Modal verbs 1

7. Past/ present/ future tenses

8. Plurals

9.Past progressive

10. Past progressive 1

11. Personal pronouns/ to be

12. Prepositions of places

13. Present Continuous

14. Present Perfect

15. Present Simple/ Present Continuous



1. Animals

2. Animals 1

3. At the airport

4. Birthday party

5. Clothes

6. Colours

7. Ecological problems

8. Food and cooking

9. Fruit

10. Healthy lifestyle

11. Holidays

12. Idioms

13. My family

14. My family 1

15. My house

16. Our earth is our home

17. Our environment

18. Professions

19. Saving forests

20. Seasons of year and days of the week

21. Sport and hobby

22. What time is it?

23. Who do you look like?

24. Who is who?

25. Your health



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